Aluminum glass doors

Doors from an aluminum profile with glass partition dubai are installed in offices, shops, and various institutions, in residential buildings. Practical and lightweight aluminum structures do not deform due to temperature changes, do not corrode, are durable, reliable, therefore they are installed in places with a large flow of people. Aluminum structures are made warm or cold, depending on the profile from which they are made.

Features of aluminum doors

Aluminum doors are made from an aluminum frame that provides the necessary lightness and at the same time is strong enough to withstand heavy glass. Well-made, they do not sag, and these doors can be used for many years. There are several design options:

  • Sliding aluminum doors;
  • Swinging aluminum doors;
  • Pendulum aluminum doors.

There is a one-leaf and two-leaf, cold and warm design: the choice is made depending on where and for what purposes the door will be used. If necessary, fireproof glazing is possible, as well as options designed for non-standard conditions of use. Versatility is an important advantage of such doors, and possible disadvantages come down to installation difficulties, which will not be possible if you cooperate with a reliable installation company.

Advantages of Aluminum Glass Doors

Before making a choice to buy an aluminum door with glass, you need to study the advantages that they have:

  • Environmental Safety. Products can be recycled, and they do not emit toxic substances;
  • Operation under favorable conditions is 80 years. The fittings can be changed throughout the entire period of use;
  • The lightness of aluminum allows you to reduce the load on the supporting structures, as well as to choose a stylish glazing option that will make the building attractive;
  • The safety margin allows you to bring to life extraordinary design solutions;
  • Profile capabilities. aluminium maintenance in dubai windows and doors are installed in any openings - too narrow, too wide, and unusual in shape. This is why such products are often chosen for high-end architectural projects;
  • The color of the windows can be combined with the interior and exterior palette. They can be easily decorated with a wood look or painted in the desired shade;
  • A special coating makes the products resistant to environmental factors: precipitation, corrosive changes, ultraviolet light, temperature extremes;
  • Aluminum combines perfectly with any other materials.

Types of glass design for aluminum doors

Glass can occupy the entire area of ​​the door or only part of it. The second option is often used for balconies, entrances to buildings for various purposes. The bottom of an aluminum door with glass is either solid or with the use of various materials, and the upper part can be transparent. Moreover, its size varies - you can choose one or another solution.

Today you can buy an aluminum door with different types of glass:

  • Frosted glass. Retains sunlight, it does not blind, but daylight penetrates almost unhindered.
  • Tinted. To exclude transparency, impart a special color. A special film or glass tinting technology is used in bulk.
  • Mirror. Oxide of silver and other metals is applied to the glass surface. As a result, everything is visible from the inside, and a reflective surface outside for privacy.
  • Tempered. Differs in increased resistance to mechanical damage.

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